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What is a conservative blogger?

The term "blogging conservative" refers to any of the many writers associated with the conservative Canadian community known as "blogging conservatives". Today there are over one hundred and fifty text blogs associated with the group, and new conservative blogs appear every day. 

The Tories provide an inspiring example of a successful online community where a growing number of interested members are provided with a fertile environment to discuss the ideas shaping the face of Canada.


Most Conservative bloggers make political events and topics the focus of their blogs, but not all of the content a Conservative blogger creates and posts is explicitly related to the actions of Parliament or the Prime Minister of Canada. 

While community members share a common conservative viewpoint, one of the most interesting things about Blog Conservatives is that not all of its members' blog posts are about political issues. On any given day, the main website's blog list might include posts about Olympic medalists, the James Bond film festival in Quebec, or an amusing personal anecdote with a telemarketer. 

The idea that having a shared political affiliation allows for productive discussion of other types of issues has interesting implications for how online communities form and grow.

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